Wir trauen uns wieder mal übers Höllengebirge und nehmen zur Sicherheit die GLUE CREW mit!
💥 Leipzig! 💥
Freuen uns sehr nach einer Weile wieder am Rock Am Kuhteich spielen zu dürfen!
Unfortunately the show in Ebensee was cancelled by Laura Jane Grace's management. Hopefully we can play at the cinema another time!
💥 Ebensee! 💥
Excited to finally play at beautiful Kino Ebensee on November 1st to support the great Laura Jane Grace!
Get your tickets here:
Graz, we‘re here.
#erntepunkfest startet jetzt. Wir um 17:00!
Kommt raus!
💥 Graz! 💥
We're happy to be part of this years Erntepunk-Fest!
💥 Strobl! 💥
This will be our first show back after this health-related hiatus. Can't wait!
Sommerkonzert 8 mit Wham Bam Bodyslam und Chovo
Here's us playing Something Something at this years Pfingstspektakel Attnang-Puchheim!
Thanks for bringing the energy! 💥
Shot by Dave Burns.
Working on some new stuff for the kids and childish adults at ANTI-FORM to be ready for Pfingstspektakel Attnang-Puchheim! ✨
💥 Innsbruck! 💥
"summertime, punkrock and the living is easy", what more can you ask for? 🤙
💥 Goisern! 💥
Wir freuen uns mit vielen Freunden heuer wieder mal beim Kunstmue Festival dabei sein zu dürfen!
💥 Vienna!💥
We're coming back on February 3rd to support the great Skinny Lister at ARENA WIEN!
Skinny Lister (uk) + Wham Bam Bodyslam (aut) I Arena Wien
Linz, we‘re here.
Heute in der Stwst Stadtwerkstatt mit Revoluzza und GLUE CREW!
Kommt raus!
💥 Linz! 💥
am Samstag haben wir die Ehre die GLUE CREW zusammen mit Revoluzza in der Stadtwerkstatt zu supporten!
GLUE CREW - ALBUM RELEASE TOUR - STWST LINZ w/ Revoluzza & Wham Bam Bodyslam
💥 Attnang! 💥
This is happening next week! Looking forward to share the stage with all these amazing bands, lots of friends and freakin' The Toy Dolls - Official!
Get your tickets here: